Holiday Schedule

ecotech observes six holidays a year for residential customers:

  • New Years Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day

If our collection day falls on or after an observed holiday during that business week, i.e., Monday through Friday, that week's collection day will be postponed by one day. If a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, it does not affect the collection schedule.

2025 Holiday Schedule 

New Year's Day - Wednesday, January 1st, 2025.  We will be running on a 1 day delay Wednesday thru Friday.

Memorial Day - Monday, May 26th, 2025.  We will be running on a 1 day delay the entire week.

Independence Day - Friday,  July 4th, 2025.  We will be running on a 1 day Friday.

Labor Day - Monday, September 1st, 2025.  We will be running on a 1 day delay the entire week.

Thanksgiving Day - Thursday, November 27th, 2025.  We will be running on a 1 day delay Thursday & Friday.

Christmas Day - Thursday, December 25th, 2024.  We will be running on a 1 day delay Thursday thru Friday.